Does Social Anxiety Keep You From Making Friends?

Introducing The Friend Magnet™️ Framework

Learn to escape loneliness, build confidence, create a life worth living, and make lifelong friends in six weeks or less without approaching random strangers, spending all your time at bars, or pretending to be someone you're not.

Can We Be Friends?

If you're anything like me, that sentence is just about the scariest thing in the world to ask someone. The pain that comes with the  possibility of rejection is brutal. There is no quicker way to lose all your self worth than being rejected by someone you only want to be friends with.

That’s why the last time you asked anybody that question was probably during your childhood and the reason you stopped asking was because one day someone told you “NO!”

The truth is you were never taught how to make friends. Your parents like their parents before them probably thought it was something that kids just figured out. 

But just like juggling, speaking a foreign language, or rebuilding a carburetor, making friends is a skill that can be learned

And if you never learn how to do it, life becomes very lonely.

The Day I Lost Everything

Over a decade ago a car accident stole everything from me. I could no longer pursue the career I had poured my life into. I was isolated  with injuries and illnesses too numerous to count and so severe that I had to go on disability. I was so ashamed that I hid myself away at home for a decade and had virtually no friends.

 I hid myself away behind a computer and played video games 12 hours a day to numb the loneliness. I thought nobody would ever like me or want to be my friend.

After hitting rock bottom, I spent the next 10 years intensely studying and practicing how to better communicate and connect with people. It was hard and I tried and failed so many different things it’s hard to remember them all. But the things that work I burned into my memory and began assembling a program that I hoped could one day help someone else struggling with loneliness escape isolation. Today I’m here to help you

Introducing The Friend Magnet™️

The Friend Magnet Mastermind is a guided transformation that will help you rewire the social sectors of your brain and help you overcome social anxiety, loneliness, and the challenges of making friends later in adulthood.

The Friend Magnet Framework

This 5-part Framework will help you conquer the social anxiety that prevents you from making friends, give you the conversational skills you need  to meet and talk to people, teach you how to develop a positive and growth oriented mindset while finding your true purpose in order to attract  new relationship opportunities, and learning to build and maintain healthy friendships while avoid toxic relationships that will negatively impact your mental health. Here’s how it works… 

Workshop One

We start by proving that friendship is a skill that can be learned. During the first week, You’ll learn three evidence-based and science-backed psychological “tricks' ' that will allow you to meet people while being nervous. At the end of week one, you’ll be able to know where to meet people and you will be ok with being around people while being nervous.

Workshop Two

Next we will tell you exactly what to say to have great conversations with people and turn on that “like switch” that will help you build a connection with someone. You will learn the questions to ask and how to properly listen. After week 2, you will have the keys to going out and making an unlimited amount of friends.

Workshop Three

Are you curious as to why some people just seem to attract so many people to them and why you don’t? Week 3 will teach you the secrets to having an attractive personality. You will come away with the techniques needed to make this transformation.

Workshop Four

Now that you can make friends, how do you know if they are right for you? We will teach you how to navigate friendships and friend groups. You will be able to identify the people that are the best friends for you and you will also learn how to be the best friend you can be. At the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify toxic people and friend groups so you can keep them out of your life.

Workshop Five

Do you want to be set apart from other people? In week 5, you will learn how to discover who you really are and find your true mission and purpose in life. At the end of this week, you will have a new lease on life and a way to build genuine confidence.

BONUS: The Friend Magnet Instant Connection Formula

Do you wonder why some people are able to get people to instantly like them? Use this formula and you will be able to get just about anyone to like you in 10 minutes or less.

BONUS: Moving Beyond Friends and Finding Love

Now that you have found the right friends, we will give you the keys to unlocking love in your life. Legendary Gottman trained dating and relationship coach Ceil the Deal will teach you how to find the love of your life without using a dating app.

Weekly Live Classes and Group Coaching

Every week we work with you hand in hand to implement The Friend Magnet Framework in your life.

Mondays - Weekly live workshops

Wednesdays - Practice your new skills with people from around the world.

Thursdays - Weekly group coaching session

Exclusive Private Community

Your membership also includes access to a private community where everyone can go for encouragement and to celebrate their wins for the week.

Two Packages to Choose From

Silver Plan

  • The Friend Magnet Framework Pre- Recorded Classes

    ($299 Value)

  • The Friend Magnet Live workshops every Monday ($499 Value)

  • Global Practice Session every Wednesday ($299 Value)

Gold Plan

  • The Friend Magnet Framework Pre- Recorded Classes ($299 Value)

  • Live workshop every Monday ($499 Value)

  • Global Practice Session every Wednesday ($299 Value)

  • Exclusive Community Access ($99 Value)

  • The Friend Magnet Instant Connection Formula ($299 Value)

  • Moving Beyond Friends and Finding Love ($99 Value)

  • Live Group Coaching and Q&A every Thursday ($399 Value)

Success Stories

Meet David Good

David Good is a neurodivergent certified professional coach had his software development career taken away from him by a car accident and a subsequent illness.

To find a new purpose and to give renewed meaning to his life, David founded the non-partisan, not-for-profit International Friend Connection (IFC) in 2014, a community dedicated to helping people overcome social anxiety through online and in-person events.

Today, the IFC has forty-seven chapters and thirty-five thousand members in cities all over the world through the Meetup Platform. For his work in building such a diverse, inclusive, and supportive community, David was appointed by Meetup CEO David Siegel as the founding brand ambassador for Meetup in 2023.

David Good - The Friend Magnet

After helping thousands of people beat social anxiety, David Good founded “The Friend Magnet™️,” a six-week program designed to help those with social anxiety overcome their condition by developing psychological resilience, a growth mindset, and real-life social skills.

Over the past ten years, his endeavors have been acknowledged with three medals from the President of the United States, and was named a Point of Light award winner by the Points of Light Foundation, established by former President George H.W. Bush. David’s passion for solving the social isolation and loneliness crisis continues to this day, inspired by a goal of helping connect one million people over the next ten years.

Limited Availability

If you're ready to leave loneliness and social anxiety behind, please enroll today.

HURRY! We only accept twelve students per session so book your call today to reserve your spot in our next session.

©️ Copyright 2024 Organization For Good LLC